
Header Text

The HeaderText component is a flexible header component that supports various configurations like badges, icons, and layout variants. It provides a clean and customizable interface for presenting a title, description, and optional children.


Default Variant

It's left aligned by default.

Code snippets for you

Not at all inspired by shadcn/ui.

Center Variant

You can also center align it.

Code snippets for you

Not at all inspired by shadcn/ui.


import HeaderText from '@/components/header-text'
export default function Page() {
  return <HeaderText title='Code snippets for you' description='Not at all inspired by shadcn/ui.' />

Source Code

import type { PropsWithChildren, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils'
import Container from '@/components/container'
import { type ClassName } from '@/lib/types'
import { Badge } from './ui/badge'
import { Icons } from './icons'
export type BaseHeaderTextProps = {
  title?: string
  description?: ReactNode | string
export type HeaderTextVariant = { variant?: 'center' | 'left' | 'small' }
export type HeaderTextProps = {
  showIcon?: boolean
  icon?: ReactNode
  badge?: string
  variant?: 'center' | 'left' | 'small'
} & ClassName &
  PropsWithChildren &
  BaseHeaderTextProps &
const HeaderText = ({ title, description, icon, children = null, showIcon = false, variant = 'left', badge = '', className }: HeaderTextProps) => {
  const descriptionContent =
    typeof description === 'string' ? (
        className={cn('text-base leading-normal text-muted-foreground', {
          'text-xs': variant === 'small',
    ) : (
  return (
    <div className='w-full'>
          'flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-4 p-0 md:p-0 text-foreground',
            'justify-start items-start': variant === 'left',
            'items-start': variant === 'left' || variant === 'small',
          className={cn('mx-auto w-fit', {
            'mx-0': variant === 'left',
            hidden: !badge,
          className={cn('justify-center items-center text-background fill-background bg-foreground rounded-full w-fit p-2 hidden', {
            flex: showIcon,
          {icon ?? <Icons.logo className='text-background' />}
          className={cn('flex flex-col space-y-2', {
            'text-center': variant === 'center',
          {title ? (
              className={cn('text-2xl', {
                'text-lg': variant === 'small',
          ) : null}
          {descriptionContent ? descriptionContent : null}
        {children ? children : null}
export default HeaderText