GitKraken Dark Knight Theme
My custom dark theme for GitKraken.
Insatll GitKraken.
Ctrl + ,
or⌘ + ,
to go to settings. -
Go to
UI Custimization
in the sidebar. -
You should see a dropdown with the default themes. There should be a link to the themes directory below the dropdown menu.
Create a new file named ending in
. For example (MyCustomTheme.jsonc
orDark Knight.jsonc
) and paste in the content below.Users/{yourUserName}/.gitkraken/{yourThemeName}.jsonc { "meta": { "name": "Dark Knight", "scheme": "dark" // must be "light" or "dark" }, "themeValues": { // values applied to the entire app "root": { "red": "#D9413D", "orange": "#DE9B43", "yellow": "#ECB91C", "green": "#5CB85C", "blue": "#4D88FF", "ltblue": "#5bc0de", "app__bg0": "#000000", "toolbar__bg0": "lighten(saturate(@app__bg0, 3%), 6%)", "toolbar__bg1": "lighten(@toolbar__bg0, 4%)", "toolbar__bg2": "lighten(@toolbar__bg1, 6%)", "panel__bg0": "#000000", "panel__bg1": "lighten(@panel__bg0, 4%)", "panel__bg2": "lighten(@panel__bg1, 4%)", "input__bg": "fade(#000000, 20%)", "input-bg-warn-color": "fade(@orange, 60%)", "panel-border": "lighten(saturate(@app__bg0, 3%), 6%)", "section-border": "fade(#FFFFFF, 8%)", "subtle-border": "fade(#FFFFFF, 4%)", "modal-overlay-color": "rgba(0,0,0,.5)", // text colors // values starting with . aren't added to the CSS, they're just variables ".text-color": "#FFFFFF", "text-selected": "@.text-color", "text-normal": "#fff", "text-secondary": "fade(@.text-color, 65%)", "text-disabled": "fade(@.text-color, 45%)", "text-accent": "#93A9EC", "text-inverse": "#222222", // buttons "btn-text": "@text-normal", "btn-text-hover": "@text-selected", "default-border": "@text-normal", "default-bg": "transparent", "default-hover": "transparent", "default-border-hover": "@text-selected", "primary-border": "@blue", "primary-bg": "fade(@blue, 10%)", "primary-hover": "fade(@blue, 40%)", "success-border": "@green", "success-bg": "fade(@green, 10%)", "success-hover": "fade(@green, 40%)", "warning-border": "@orange", "warning-bg": "fade(@orange, 10%)", "warning-hover": "fade(@orange, 35%)", "danger-border": "@red", "danger-bg": "fade(@red, 10%)", "danger-hover": "fade(@red, 40%)", // states "hover-row": "fade(@blue, 15%)", "danger-row": "fade(@red, 40%)", "selected-row": "fade(@blue, 20%)", "warning-row": "fade(@orange, 40%)", "droppable": "fade(@yellow, 30%)", "drop-target": "fade(@green, 50%)", "input--disabled": "fade(#000000, 10%)", "link-color": "#40c5ec", "form-control-focus": "@blue", // various app elements "code-bg": "@app__bg0", "scroll-thumb-border": "@app__bg0", "scroll-thumb-bg": "@toolbar__bg2", "scroll-thumb-bg-light": "lighten(@toolbar__bg2, 20%)", "wip-status": "fade(@blue, 40%)", "card__bg": "@panel__bg2", "card-shadow": "@rgba(0,0,0,.2)", // component states "filtering": "fade(@blue, 50%)", "soloing": "fade(@orange, 50%)", "checked-out": "fade(@green, 30%)", "soloed": "fade(@orange, 30%)", "added-line": "fade(@green, 20%)", "deleted-line": "fade(@red, 20%)", "filter-match": "fade(@blue, 50%)", "clone__progress": "fade(@blue, 70%)", "toolbar__prompt": "fade(@blue, 20%)", "modified-line": "fade(#000000, 25%)", "verified": "fade(@green, 30%)", "unverified": "fade(#ffffff, 10%)", "drop-sort-border": "@green", // terminal "terminal__repo-name-color": "turquoise", "terminal__repo-branch-color": "violet", "terminal__repo-tag-color": "lightcoral", "terminal__repo-upstream-color": "yellowgreen" }, // override specific values just for the toolbar "toolbar": { "text-selected": "rgba(255,255,255,1)", "text-normal": "rgba(255,255,255,.9)", "text-secondary": "rgba(255,255,255,.6)", "text-disabled": "rgba(255,255,255,.4)", "input__bg": "rgba(0,0,0,.20)", "link-color": "#40c5ec", "btn-text": "var(--text-normal)" }, // override specific values just for the tabs bar "tabsbar": { "text-selected": "rgba(255,255,255,1)", "text-normal": "rgba(255,255,255,.9)", "text-secondary": "rgba(255,255,255,.6)", "text-disabled": "rgba(255,255,255,.4)", "section-border": "rgba(255,255,255,.2)", "input__bg": "rgba(0,0,0,.20)", "link-color": "#40c5ec", "btn-text": "var(--text-normal)" } } }
Change the name of the meta tag to the name of your theme. This is the name that will appear in the dropdown.
Users/{yourUserName}/.gitkraken/{yourThemeName}.jsonc "meta": { "name": "Dark Knight", // the name that will appear in the dropdown "scheme": "dark" // must be "light" or "dark" }
Add this file to the
directory. There should be a link to the themes directory below the dropdown menu. Typically it's located at/Users/{yourUserName}/.gitkraken/
on Mac. If you're on Windows google it. :) -
Your theme should now appear in the theme dropdown.